"You Won't Believe What This 48-year Old British Guy Does to Make $39,041.46 per Month Part-Time..."

"I can't share this secret strategy with everyone for reasons you'll learn in a moment.

"But as a way to build an elite group of affiliate special operatives, who promote my future products, I will share it with you if you can meet the four qualifications spelled out in this letter."

  • Featuring the greatest commission-creating method known to man and my all-time best commission-creating tactic you can use to make bank (even if you're a newbie).
  • Reveals the exact, step-by-step method used to generate over $1000 commissions per day (part-time and with no money needed for ads or anything else).
  • Based on more than $6 million and 15 years of internet marketing tests, experiments and experience.
  • Tightly restricted access - you must be able to meet the four qualifications set out below (no exceptions).
  • Includes money-making "Field Manual", watch-and-earn Video modules and MP3 audios for speedy access and fast cash results.
  • Battle-tested, proven and newbie-proof way to bring in big commissions, fast.
  • Guaranteed to make you at least TEN TIMES its cost... or you pay nothing.
From the Secret Bunker of Michael Cheney, Aberdeen, Scotland, Great Britain

15th October 2024

michaelcheneysmallDear Marketing Special Operative: I'm looking for an elite group of individuals to form my very own legion of affiliate special operatives to promote my future products and get rich together.

You must be hungry, you must want to make big commissions fast and you must be ready to take action.

If you'd like to have the ability to make several thousand dollars a month in commissions, part-time, and... you'd like to have this happen in the fastest amount of time humanly possible... then I believe this will be one of the most important messages you'll ever read.

Here's why... My name's Michael Cheney and I make over $39,041.46 commissions per month, part-time, and now I'm going to show you exactly how.

But I can't reveal this information to just anyone.

This is a secret strategy nobody else is teaching and only a few elite individuals even know exists.

But firstly, let's talk numbers because as you know by now...

"Transactions Speak Louder Than Words..."

3 (1)Here's a bunch of commissions I've made recently spending just a few hours a week applying this exact same affiliate strategy.

And yes - I really do make this money part-time. "Working" from home with two kids under 3-years old, a new puppy and a passion for road cycling doesn't leave much time to be sat in front of a monitor, trust me.

You need to know - this is entirely possible for anyone to replicate.

As long as you can follow simple steps (and you have access to the internet) you can do this.

You don't even need to have a list, a website, money for ads or a degree in rocket science.

It's real simple as you're about to discover.

But first, I need to warn you:-

"The First Rule of Commission Black Ops is
You Don't Talk About Commission Black Ops..."

I'm deadly serious.

You must meet four qualifications to get access to this information and keeping it confidential is the first one - the others are explained below.

If you agree to keep this confidential, if you're upto the challenge and if you meet the FOUR qualifications set out below you can swipe and deploy this exact same strategy for yourself.

But you might be asking...

"Why Would I Even Share This Strategy?"

Well firstly you should know - I don't make any money from you buying this.

Yes, it's true.

One hundred per cent of all the profits from the sales of Commission Black Ops are being given to my affiliates.

Here's the deal;

I used to personally train affiliate special operatives for $5000 a time in my personal coaching program.

The graduates from the $5000 made a LOT of money for me (and themselves).

But because the coaching program was so labor-intensive I stopped doing it.

So now I'm going to create the same top level affiliates by revealing my secret money-making strategy but present it in a way which doesn't require a lot of work on my part.

And this is where you come in because...

"I'm Building a Legion of Affiliate Special Operatives Who Create Colossal Commissions Promoting My Stuff..."

55smallerYes - my $5000 coaching program teaching this stuff is now closed and the headache of all the work is gone with it. Yahoo.


My coaching program used to be like a conveyor belt churning out top level affiliates all the time.

But now that's bitten the dust too.

So now I'm going to teach you the exact same strategy I use to make $39,041.46 commissions per month and the exact same strategy I taught my $5000 coaching students.

And you're getting your hands on this for just a few bucks because I've documented the entire process rather than having to teach it to you one-on-one.

"But First You Must Qualify..."

I'm looking for the right type of people, not just anyone.

There are 4 IMPORTANT QUALIFICATIONS you'll see in a moment in this letter. If you meet them all this makes you eligible to receive the "Commission Black Ops" strategy.

And don't for a minute think I'm selling this to make a quick buck - as I said; every last cent from the sale of this product goes back to my affiliates.

I'm growing a legion of affiliate special operatives here and you're next in line.

If, and only if, you meet the qualifications outlined below.

But before we come onto those I should warn you;

"We're Not in Kansas Anymore..."

EricIt doesn't take a genius to recognize the so-called "popular wisdom" about affiliate marketing is a crock.

"Build a blog and write reviews", they say.

"Create a mini-site and get ranked on Google", they say.

"Run paid ads on Facebook", they say.

Wrong. Wrong. WRONG.

I'm not saying this stuff doesn't work. Maybe it does.

It just all sounds like too much work to me. Not to mention expensive.

Writing reviews, building websites, paying for ads?

Screw that. No way Jose.

There's a much easier, much faster and much more lucrative way of making commissions;

All you need to do is...

"Swipe, Deploy and Profit from the Exact Same Strategy Which is Making $39,041.46 Commissions per Month..."

box-60-pcI've developed the entire strategy you can just swipe, deploy and profit from.

And the best part?

You can do this even if you're a newbie with no list, no clue and no experience.


You are getting the unique opportunity here to finally get your hands on the same strategy responsible for over $1000 commissions per day.

Strap yourself in and prepare to make money at Mach 10 when you discover;

tick-smallThe exact place to find THE best commission-creating offers out there (This goldmine is buried away and most people miss it completely)

tick-smallA quick-fire shortcut to guaranteed commissions (Hint: It's extremely simple and you can do it in seconds)

tick-smallAn ingenious money-getting strategy to find the sure-fire commission winners (And no - I'm not talking about JVZoo...)

tick-smallThe startling reason why you should never use the swipe files product vendors give you (Just do this instead and watch what happens)

tick-smallThe commission-killing mistake which kills 99.9% of affiliates dead in their tracks (Avoiding this lethal landmine is half the battle)

tick-smallThe one secret source of commissions which isn't part of your Plan for this year but should be

tick-smallHow to virtually eliminate those $0.00 days you're getting (If you have trouble making consistent commissions every day this obliterates the problem in a heartbeat)

tick-smallJimA small change you can make in the way you do affiliate marketing that's so powerful, I've only heard of ONE TIME where it didn't make at least an extra $1000 a month (It should work for you and it's incredibly easy to implement too. You'll see for yourself when you follow the easy steps.)

tick-smallA secret place you can go on the internet and find ready-made, cash-creating promos, hooks and angles handed to you on a silver platter (Just use this closely-guarded free resource and watch what happens)

tick-smallA "counterintuitive" commission tactic so potent it should come with a health warning... it even works right out of the gate for stone-cold newbies (I've used this one to make a quick $500, $1000 and $2000 in commissions when I need a fast injection of lazy cash)

tick-smallThe one kind of affiliate tactic to use if you absolutely MUST make $1000 before the end of the month (Perfect for you if you're in a tight spot and need a quick influx of cash)

And it doesn't stop there. Because I'm going to lead you by the hand and show you...

"77 Ways To Transform Your Commissions
From Whomp-Whomp To Wow..."

Forget fighting it out for crumbs at the bottom of the affiliate marketing pond when you can rise to the top and become the big-earning fish, fast.

It's finally a reality for you when you discover;

tick-smallA laughably simple way to make a ton more sales overnight (without spending any money on ads or traffic)

tick-smallA completely unheard of money-making method for crushing it with every affiliate promo you run that's so powerful you'll have buyers throwing money at you hand over fist (I have never seen anybody teach this)

tick-smallHow to get guaranteed approval to promote practically any product (Even "ordinary Joes" can use this shortcut to start raking in the big money from the hottest launches)

tick-smallHow to (ethically) hypnotize your prospects into buying every offer you put in front of them (They will be powerless to this simple "must-buy switch" - wait until you see how effective this is)

tick-smallWhat's the easiest way to win Leaderboard Contests as a little guy with no budget? (Someone asked this killer question. Here's my answer. It will surprise you how easy this is)

tick-smallThe 5 secret buying triggers you must touch on to turn clicks into cash (This simple but powerful formula turns even the coldest sceptical prospects into molten-hot buyers in a flash)

tick-smallThe worst thing you can possibly do as an affiliate (It's shocking to see how many people fall victim to this pitfall and are losing thousands in lost commissions as a result - don't be one of them)

tick-smallA subject line (word for word) that made me a small fortune in commissions (And no, this has nothing to do with "Hey", "Bad News" or any of those other cheesy tactics from 1993)

tick-smallWhy it's a big mistake to talk about the product, features or benefits in your affiliate promotions (There's a hidden reason this will turn prospects deathly cold, here's what to do instead)

tick-smallThe "Tom Cruise" method which activates an instant buying instinct in your prospects (and how to use the secret method right away no matter if you're just starting out)

I'll level with you here - making commissions doesn't have to be hard.

So step forward and let me show you...

"How To Make Lots Of Commissions Without Even Trying..."

Yes. I've discovered the big "easy button" of affiliate marketing.

Now you can make money with it too when you discover;

tick-smallThe simple "how little guys get rich" lesson unearthed from 16th century Japanese history (Finally - even the "little guy" can reach the top of the affiliate money tree, this shows you how)

tick-smallA "nuclear option" tactic which explodes your profits (without you having to buy traffic, brown-nose or do anything unethical at all)

tick-smallHow to make more sales of everything you promote without paying a single penny (also works if you're brand new to the internet marketing game)

tick-smallWhat an ex-cop can teach you about making TEN TIMES more commissions than you do now (I was flabbergasted when I learned this and now use his method every day and have made hundreds of thousands of dollars as a result)

tick-smallThe "Game of Thrones" kind of affiliate promotion that's impossible for your prospects to ignore (no matter if they're getting bombarded with countless other offers and incentives from bigger affiliates)

Can you imagine how much better things will be when you can finally make money like this?

HINT: It will be amazing. Because...

"This Proven Process Reveals Amazing Secret Which Unleashes
The Thousands of Dollars Hidden In That Computer of Yours..."

You've seen the numbers. You've practically tasted the money.

So now it's time to make it a reality and get you making money fast when you discover;

tick-small1 (1)The #1 EASIEST way to make commissions ever invented

tick-smallA secret psychological technique that gets you more attention, more clicks and more commissions (Don't worry, it's perfectly "legit" and you don't need a degree in rocket science, or psychology, to use this)

tick-smallThe bizarre commission-getting strategy inspired by "the red carpet" (this goes against all common "wisdom" but it works every single time)

tick-smallA simple "tweak" that will automatically make your promotion stand out from the crowd and get you more money (even if you don't have time to create bonuses or do any fancy marketing stuff)

tick-smallHow to come up with affiliate promotions which attract oodles of clicks and cash even if you're short on time and experience (Here's a newbie-proof way to start coining in commissions quickly)

You are on the verge of changing your income, changing your life and changing your destiny here. I'm serious.

This is life-altering information which will set you on a new higher trajectory towards bigger earnings.

By now I'm sure you're desperate to get your hands on this.

And so you should be.

So here's everything you're getting;

The Black Ops "Field Manual"

You're getting the confidential "Commission Black Ops" Field Manual which reveals the exact money-making strategy to you in breathtaking detail.

You are getting your hands on the exact same strategy I use to make $39,041.46 commissions per month here in this 67-page special manual.

You'll be making serious money in record time with this manual - whether you read it on screen or print the thing off and study in your "off-the-grid" bunker.

Simply follow the easy steps to swipe, deploy and profit.

VALUE: $97

Right-to-the-Money Video Modules

Making money doesn't get any easier than this. You can literally watch, learn and earn just by copying the simple steps inside each of these videos.

You might be the type of person who prefers to read and listen to their money-making info - in which case you can use the Field Manual and Audios as described above.

But if you're like me and like to see things on screen and prefer your commission-creating insights to be imparted visually then this videos version is definitely for you.

VALUE: $197

Powerful Profit-Packed MP3 Audios

You can learn and earn on the go with the MP3 Audios version of the Commission Black Ops training. Guaranteed to delight your ear-drums and fill your wallet.

Wrap your ears around these golden nuggets of money-making information which you can quickly absorb into your brain and convert into real money in your bank account.

These killer audios are perfect for you if you're a busy affiliate looking to get quick results with minimum effort and time required.

VALUE: $47

"Grab this Newbie-Friendly Money-Making Process Today
with No Risk Whatsoever, Here's How This Works..."

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

You risk nothing when ordering because Commission Black Ops is guaranteed to be worth at least 100 times its cost to you — or at least $1,000.

And you will be the sole judge of that. If at any time during the next 30 days you don’t agree that the principles revealed here will be worth at least $1,000 to you over the course of your affiliate marketing career, just contact us for a complete refund. You risk absolutely nothing.

It’s a FACT.

I make $39,041.46 commissions per month using the exact same strategy you’re getting your hands on here. The chances are you won’t make that. But let’s make it worst case here and, as long as you apply this secret strategy step-by-step you will make, at an absolute minimum, at least 100 times what you invest to get your hands on it (or $1000) over the course of your affiliate marketing career.

I know YOU’RE not the kind of “entitlement mentality” douchebag who would rather keep a few dollars in their pocket than get to work with the strategy and make a few thousand.

I also know you would like the peace of mind here to know you’re doing the right thing by investing in this which is why you are covered completely. There is no risk whatsoever.

To summarize:-

If, for some unknown, unearthly reason you are the only person ever, in the history of the universe, this doesn't work for then I will happily refund you.


Great. Now let's move onto the all-important...


#1. You must keep what you learn completely confidential

This is confidential and proprietary information which I am granting you access to as a paying client (if you meet all these qualifications). This means no sharing, redistributing, re-purposing or talking about this information. Don't think once you've learned this strategy it's "fair game" to rename it and sell it as your own. It's not. Doing that is like chumming the water for my lawyers - they love that.

#2. You must be willing to roll up your sleeves and apply this secret strategy

The reason I'm releasing this is to build a legion of affiliate special operatives who can crush it for me when I release future products. So I can only accept you if you're willing to get your hands dirty and apply this $39k/mo. strategy. Yes it's easy to swipe and deploy but there is still some effort required on your part. So if you're expecting money to rain from the heavens without you even lifting a finger then do not buy this.

#3. You must be a top affiliate or future top affiliate

I've made no secret of the fact I'm looking for the best of the best to build my legion of top affiliates who can promote my products and make us all rich moving forward. Now it'd be great if you're already ahead of the game here but even if you're fresh off the applecart it's all good - as long as you have the DESIRE to become a top affiliate you have what it takes.

#4. You must not be a douchebag

If you're the type of whinging, whining, negative nellie who thinks the world owes them a favor then please run to the hills right now. If you're one of those thieves and liars who instantly claims a refund without even looking at the product or complains because money doesn't instantly rain down from the sky then forget it. This strategy works (if you do). Period. Okay, it's time to wrap this thing up and get you started making money with this - are you ready?

JohnYes it's true.

Either you want to discover this secret strategy (and you meet the four qualifications)...

Or you don't.

I'm not gonna bend over backwards to get you to buy this because, quite frankly, it's not in my interest to do that.

Every last cent from the sale of this goes to my affiliates.

I'm revealing this info only to the RIGHT group of select individuals who meet the grade so they can join my legion of affiliate special operatives.

You've made it this far so it looks like you might make the grade the only question is;

Are you READY?

YES. I want to swipe and deploy the same strategy currently making $39,041.46 commissions per month

 YES. I confirm I meet all FOUR qualifications above and agree I will keep this confidential, will apply this strategy, have the drive to succeed and am definitely not a douchebag.

  YES. I am ready to unlock the "master key" of affiliate marketing and get my hands on this battle-tested and proven $1000-a-day strategy for myself.

YES. I want you to give me instant access to the Commission Black Ops "Field Manual", the step-by-step Video Modules and the easy-to-follow MP3 audios.

YES. I am sick of not making the commissions I deserve and want to finally discover the secret which will unlock the BIG money for me, fast.

YES. I want to get my hands on this previously unseen secret strategy and start making money as soon as today without having to spend one red cent on ads or anything else.

There is no risk whatsoever and I should I'm investing in Commission Black Ops RIGHT NOW for a small, ONE-TIME, ONE-OFF investment.

I have a FULL 30 Days Money Back Guarantee, and nobody is allowed to ask me anything or try to pitch me something else if I decide to ask for my money back.

Very Limited Time Offer:

Get Access Now:

Commission Black Ops

It's crunch time, soldier.

If you're having to read every last word here to try and convince yourself this is for you - then it probably isn't and you should walk away.

And this isn't reverse psychology either - if you're at all uncertain about all the proof, testimonials and data I've presented to you and the eye-watering TINY investment then please do us both a favor right now and run to the hills before it gets ugly.

For everyone else here's your link to get INSTANT ACCESS to this money-making strategy right away;

Very Limited Time Offer:

Get Access Now:

Commission Black Ops

I'll see you on the other side. Let's do this.


Michael Cheney

My results are A-TYPICAL because I am super-focused and when I get to work I work hard. That's why you probably won't have the same results as me. I can not promise that you'll even have similar results because I don't know if you will work as hard as me. Your success in business (and in life) depends on YOU, your aptitude, your ability, your skills, your work ethic, and many other factors out of my control. Your individual success does NOT depend on me or on this product. Please read over all the legal pages below before buying.